Just because breastfeeding is natural doesn't mean that it is always easy! Belly to Cradle is committed to providing professional care and support from early pregnancy until long after baby's birth. This comprehensive approach allows you to see a Belly to Cradle lactation consultant as early in your feeding relationship as you like--even days after your baby arrives! Our Lactation Consultants are IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants), the Gold Standard for lactation credentials, and have extensive experience supporting families through the ups and downs of newborn and infant feeding. Scheduling your appointment is easy! Simply click a button below to set up your desired consultation. Office Visits take place in our office at 600 University Office Boulevard, Building 4, in Pensacola.
Initial Consultation
90 minutes assessing your and baby's health history and feeding relationship, oral and muscular exam of baby, pre- and post-feeding weight check, visual breast exam, written feeding & care plan, referrals to other care providers as needed, 2 weeks of follow-up phone & email access to your consultant for questions and concerns.
First-come-first serve, 30 -minute appointment in our office to cover emergent/urgent issues, simple challenges, or to conduct a weight check (which can be reported to your pediatrician as desired). Clinics are not on a regular schedule--check our FB page for hours each week. You must book your appointment by the night before clinic to reserve your spot!
45 minutes, between 36-40 weeks of pregnancy, to develop a plan for getting your breastfeeding relationship off on the right foot! This is also a great way to acquaint yourself with your consultant prior to scheduling your initial consult after baby comes.
45 minutes, two weeks before you return to work, to develop a plan related to pumping, milk storage, and supply. *This is NOT an initial consultation and does not address concerns related to general breastfeeding or baby's weight.*
30-minute initial appointment, including oral/physical assessment and specific questions related to needs of babies older than 4 months of age. Previous appointments with lactation consultants (not necessarily from our practice) preferred. *This consultation cannot address complicated situations or concerns due to time constraints. If you have a more complex issue, please consider scheduling an Initial Consultation.*
Schedule your appointment, fill out your intake form, and pay for your appointment via our scheduling link.
Make a list of all concerns and questions you would like to address during our time together.
Don't try to time your feeding so baby is hungry at our appointment! During our initial consultation, there will be plenty of time for baby to eat.
If we are meeting in your home, please do not make any special preparations for your consultation as far as cleaning, showering, or putting on makeup! We come to you on your terms.
We will review your intake form to prepare assessment questions.
During Your Consult
If this is your initial consult, we will sit with you and your baby and ask a series of questions to assess your and baby's health history & feeding relationship and discuss any initial concerns you may have.
If this is your follow-up appointment, we will discuss how things have been going since our initial consultation.
If there is concern about your baby's weight gain & milk transfer, we will weigh your baby prior to feeding and then again after feeding to assess amount of milk transferred.
While you breastfeed, we will observe your baby's latch and positioning.
After your baby feeds, we will put on latex-free gloves and do an examination of your baby's mouth to evaluate ability to transfer milk.
We will lay your baby flat so we can assess for muscle tone & restrictions that could be contributing to breastfeeding challenges, and that might benefit from cranio-sacral therapy/bodywork.
We will look at your breasts and nipples to check for nipple damage and shape associated with baby's latch.
Together, we will come up with a care & feeding plan.
After Your Consult
We will give you a Superbill to present to your insurance company for reimbursement for your visit.
We will provide you with your visit notes and your care plan for the next few days.
If we have determined together that you or your baby need to see another provider, such as a dentist, chiropractor, nutritionist, physician, etc., we will give you more information and put you in contact with preferred providers.
If there are concerns that you would like your care provider, or baby's pediatrician to know about, we will fax them a copy of notes from your visit.
You will have access to us via email or text for the next two weeks or until your follow-up appointment.
You may or may not feel the need to contact us--and that's just fine! If we don't hear from you, we will assume you and baby are doing well.
You can schedule your follow-up appointment if necessary.